Real-time Updates

Real-Time Updates with Apache Kafka

Transac AI provides real-time updates to clients about the status of insights generation requests and the generated insights.

To achieve this, Transac AI uses Apache Kafka (opens in a new tab) as a message broker to publish updates about insights generation requests and the generated insights. The Insights Generation Service (IGS) publishes updates about insights generation requests and the generated insights to the new_insights Kafka topic. All active clients subscribed to this topic receive real-time updates about the generated insights.

The Workload Manager Service (WMS) also subscribes to the new_insights Kafka topic to receive updates about the generated insights, and update request status accordingly through the Requests Storage Service (RSS).

Clients can use the RSS service to manually get the status of requests. All fulfilled requests will have an associated insights_id, which the client can use to fetch generated insights from the Insights Storage Service (ISS).